Availability:in stockMany in stockSorry but we are temporarily out of stock for a short time. Please contact us if you wish to be placed on our waiting list to ensure that you receive this item.We're temporarily out of stock on this hot selling product; and we expect to have this item in stock very soon. Place your order now so that you will be guaranteed delivery of this item.
DuraLiner Rooftop Cargo Boxes are easily installed and work on most vehicles that are equipped with a roof rack. With a no-tool assembly and simple U-bolt securing feature you will be ready to hit the road in minutes. Available in three different sizes, DuraLiner’s roof top cargo boxes can fit all of your essentials for fun and work, with so much space you can even fit two sets of golf clubs in the box!
• Simple attachment and heavy-duty U-bolts make installation quick and easy on any vehicle rack • Universal style that fits on most vehicle roofs that are equipped with a roof rack • Manufactured from extremely highly durable and recyclable UV-protected plastic that will retain its deep, rich finish throughout its life • Opens from both driver and passenger sides for easy access • Easy lock/unlock metal lid stays ensures the lid stays up when loading • Secure your cargo inside the box with the included heavy-duty straps • Watertight and lockable to ensure your belongings are safe and secure • Front and rear metal latches secure the cargo box during transit
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